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We provide planning, design, and management services to public agencies and private developers to enhance public safety and improve traffic capacity. Our comprehensive understanding of the transportation industry allows us to facilitate the approval and acceptance process, build consensus, and provide services to take your project from concept to completion. Key services include:
Site Circulation
Conceptual Layouts
Alignment Studies
Route Studies & Corridor Evaluations
Geometric Design
Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities
Roadway/Intersection Improvements
Interchange Concepts/Design
Park & Ride/Transit Facilities
Pedestrian Improvements
Traffic Calming
VDOT Locally-Administered Projects
Value Engineering
Stormwater Management
Drainage Design
Erosion & Sediment Control
Floodplain Modeling
Utility Coordination/Relocations
Signage & Pavement Marking
Traffic Management Plans
Landscape Architecture
Plan Reviews
Grant Application Support
Zoning Analysis
Public Involvement & Coordination
Construction Administration

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